Start your free trial and unleash your valuable data today!

Start a free trial and unleash your data today!

Unleash the power of AI across your business

Deploy your own models in minutes or access the leading AI to deliver predictive intelligence across your business with zero code.

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How Data teams use ModernLTV

Integrate AI/ML models

Deploy the leading AI/ML models in just minutes.

Deploy internal models

Unleash your models across the entire business.

Combat churn

Predict churn and LTV to target high value customers.

Deepen product analytics

Access more data to unlock deeper customer insights.

Generate recommendations

Deliver targeted and more personalized offers.

Analyze customer sentiment

Extract insights from your customers behavior.

Common destinations:

Why Data teams love us

ModernLTV ensures that your internal AI models deliver the maximum value across your business -- without the overhead.

Ingest & pre-process all your data in minutes  

Leverage the predictive power of multiple models to derive more effective and actionable insights.

Build and deploy new models with no code  

Deploy a new predictive model, trained on your data, using one of our AI integrations.

Deliver AI intelligence across the business

Push model output to all tools and team so the entire business can fully leverage best-in-class AI.