Maximize your model performance

Enable customers to connect all their data sources in seconds and sync real-time intelligence to tools and teams across the business - with zero code.

Let's chat

Enable customers to deploy across more use cases

Expedite time to value

Launch data pipelines in minutes and deliver value fomr day one.

Compound lifetime value

Enable customers to leverage the AI across more use cases.

Reduce overhead

Spend more time and resources on data, not the infrastructure.

Why your customers love us

Ingest all customer data in a few clicks

Let customers connect all their sources of data to your platform in a few minutes or less.

Access more data to boost intelligence

ModernLTV enables customers to build unlimited attributes and segments to feed your platform.

Push intelligence to the business, faster

In just a few clicks, customers can push intelligence from your platform to all their tools.

How your customers use ModernLTV

Integrate best-in-class AI/ML

Deploy the leading AI/ML models in just minutes.

Deploy your internal models

Unleash your models across the entire business.

Combat churn & boost LTV

Predict churn and LTV to target high value customers.

Enrich & deepen product analytics

Access more data to unlock deeper customer insights.

Generate recommendations

Deliver targeted and more personalized offers.

Analyze customer sentiment

Extract insights from your customers behavior.

Unlock access to the data economy