Launch in minutes

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to launch a free test drive of the ModernLTV platform in just a few minutes.


Let's get you and your team set up with a free test drive so you can see the value of the ModernLTV platform for yourself. ModernLTV requires zero engineering and is intentionally designed to be used by any member of your team, regardless of their technical proficiency.

This simple step-by-step guide will walk you through how to do the following:

  1. Create a free sandbox account

  2. Test drive the end-to-end experience

  3. Experiment with all the core features

Steps to launch

Follow these five simple steps to launch a free test drive of the end-to-end platform experience.


Create your free sandbox

If you haven't already done so, create your free ModernLTV account.  Go to your Settings and invite any other members of your team.

For the purposes of test driving the platform, we recommend using this workspace as your sandbox. Once you're ready to launch to production, you can create a new production workspace by taking the following steps:

  1. Go to "Settings"

  2. Click on "+ Create new workspace"

  3. Name your new workspace (e.g. "Name - production")

You Data Manager, connections and attributes do not automatically transfer between workspaces. We are working to make the process seamless, but until then you will need to replicate your workspaces.


Connect your first source

To test drive the platform, you first need to connect a source of customer data to ModernLTV. There are three options to connnect your first source:



Pre-built integration

No code, production-ready; Requirements: API keys and/or credentials for 3rd-party application

Manual import

No code, insufficient for production; CSV with at least user ID, email attribute name and values

Sources API

Low code, production-ready; Ability to call API with required fields

Once you connect your first source, ModernLTV will automatically start ingesting and processing your data. This first time will typically take longer as we unify and normalize your data to establish the foundational data model that unlocks all the platform capabilities.

If you selected options #1 or #3,  the connection between your source and ModernLTV is production-ready. From that point forward, your data is securely and automatically loaded into ModernLTV and available in your Data Manager.

Not ready to connect a source? No sweat, you can use our test data feature to simulate the end-to-end experience. Just go to your Data Manager, click on the "Send test data" button, and follow the instructions. Check out the step-by-step guide.


Organize your Data Manager

Now that we've ingested and processed the first batch of data, you will see all the customer attributes that we captured made available in your Data Manager. In order to give you full access and control of all your customer data, we automatically generate any net new Core or Calculated attribute that we identify when ingesting data from your sources.

While our platform leverages AI and other methods to intelligently curate your Data Manager, we intentionally apply strict limits to the inferences we make about your data. As a result, to get the most out of your Data Manager, we recommend the following actions:

  1. Organize existing attributes to establish your single source of truth

  2. Modify and activate any and all attributes required by your downstream systems and app

  3. Create any existing customer segments in just a few clicks


Build your first custom attribute

Next, let's build a new customer attribute to see the true power of the ModernLTV platform. Click on "New attribute" and then select the type of attribute you want to create based on your intended use:

Attribute type

When to use


You want to target a group of customers that share certain attributes


You want to create a new, formula-driven attribute using existing attributes


You want to utilize an attribute that is predictive in nature and/or requires AI/ML

Once a new attribute is created and activated in your Data Manager, ModernLTV will ingest and refresh the data required to populate that attribute on a continuous basis. An activate attribute does NOT mean that it is actively synced to a destination.


Sync attribute to your first destination

Now that you've gotten your Data Manager in order and created your first custom attribute, it's time to sync this attribute to a destination. This final step will allow you to test the end-to-end data workflow and see how ModernLTV unlocks intelligence across all your tools and teams.

If you haven't already, make sure to connect the desired destination using one of the two integration options previously outlined:

  1. Connect a destination in a few clicks using one of our pre-built integrations

  2. Build a custom destination by calling our Destinations API

To sync test data to your first destination without impacting any existing workflows, we recommend connecting and syncing data to a unique "pre-production" destination when possible. This would require you to create a new workspace, environment or project within the 3rd-party application. For example, you can create a new Klaviyo "Test Account" for this purpose. Once you're ready to go to production, you just need to connect the production-version and complete the same steps above.

Once you've connected the destination, you can sync the new attribute in one of two ways:

  1. Select the attribute in your Data Manager and click "Sync to destination"

  2. Click into the attribute details and turn the toggle on for the destination

Complete the next few steps to sync the attribute to the destination and then you're all set!

You can turn on/off the sync at any time by going to the bottom of the attribute details page.

Next steps

The ultimate goal of ModernLTV is to turn your customer data into actionable intelligence that drives business growth. This manifests in your ability to access the real-time customer intelligence you need in the tools that you use.

Once you successfully sync an attribute to a destination, the full value of the ModernLTV platform is realized. ModernLTV automates your critical end-to-end data workflows. We unify all your sources of data, apply the rules you define in the Data Manager,  and sync the attributes and the associated customer values to that destination.

What you'll see in your destinations

While each third-party destination will have a unique configuration and data model, ModernLTV standardizes the process and workflow for syncing data to any destination. Any attribute that is synced to a destination from ModernLTV will have a unique prefix denoting that it came from ModernLTV (e.g. mltv_average_monthly revenue ).

We NEVER override existing attributes in your destinations. Learn more about how it works.

Put your new intelligence to work

There are an infinite number of ways to utilize the new customer intelligence now available across your tools. The flexibility and performance of the ModernLTV platform supports virtually any use case. Below are a select few of the most common use cases addressed by our clients:

Optimize ad spend

Increase ROAS with advanced segmentation and better attribution.

Target high value segments

Identify, target, and acquire more profitable customers.

Enrich ad campaigns

Inject rich, personalized data into each campaign.

Optimize marketing mix

Identify and target your highest ROI marketing channels.

Deepen analytics

Enrich your analytics tools with richer customer data.

Deliver personalized offers

Maximize LTV by driving upsell / cross-sell conversion.

Boost product usage

Deliver more personalization to drive product engagement  

Activate new customers

Deliver tailored onboarding or free trial to drive activation.

Analyze customer sentiment

Extract insights from your customers words & behavior.

Predict & combat churn

Identify and target at-risk customers before it's too late.

Retain high value customers

Identify and better serve your highest value customers.

Win back customers

Offer personalized offers to reactivate churned customers.