Integrate with ModernLTV API

A comprehensive reference for integrating with ModernLTV API endpoints.

API authentication

To gain access to the ModernLTV API, create an account on the ModernLTV Dashboard. Once you’ve completed the signup process and acknowledged our terms, we’ll provide your client_id, which you can find by going to your Settings.

All endpoints use your client_id  to authenticate requests. If you do not pass an client_id or if you use  an incorrect client_id, your call will return a 400 or other another related error.

API protocols and headers

The ModernLTV API is JSON over HTTP. Requests are POST requests, and responses are JSON, with errors indicated in response bodies as error_code and error_type (use these in preference to HTTP status codes for identifying application-level errors). All responses come as standard JSON, with a small subset returning binary data where appropriate. The ModernLTV API is served over HTTPS TLS v1.2+ to ensure data privacy; HTTP and HTTPS with TLS versions below 1.2 are not supported. Clients must use an up to date root certificate bundle as the only TLS verification path; certificate pinning should never be used. All requests must include a Content-Type of application/json and the body must be valid JSON.

API host

ModernLTV has two environments: Sandbox and Production. Attributes, Sources, and Destinations cannot be moved between environments.

  •{CLIENT_ID} (Sandbox)
  •{CLIENT_ID} (Production)

Storing API data

Any token returned by the API is sensitive and should be stored securely. Consumer data obtained from the ModernLTV API is sensitive information and should be managed accordingly. For guidance and best practices on how to store and handle sensitive data, see the Open Finance Security Data Standard. Identifiers used by the ModernLTV API that do not contain consumer data and are not keys or tokens are designed for usage in less sensitive contexts. These identifiers are commonly used for logging and debugging purposes.

Response status codes

Our API uses conventional HTTP response status codes to indicate success or failure of an API request. Response status codes typically fall into the following three ranges:

  • 200s - Success
  • 400s - Error as a result of information provided as part of the request
  • 500s - Error due to server issues or service unavailability






The request completed successfully.



The request succeeded, and a new resource was created as a result.


Bad request

Request is missing a required parameter or has an invalid parameter.


Not authorized

Request is lacking required authentication information. Ex. Incorrect client_id or Bearer token.
Follow the guidance here for more details on authenticating your API requests.



The request contains valid authentication information, but does not have permissions to perform the specified action.


Not found

The requested resource doesn't exist.


Rate limit

You hit the rate limit for this endpoint (different endpoints have different rate limits).


Server error

Something is wrong with the destination server. This may be on ModernLTV's end.


Service unavailable

Something is wrong on ModernLTV's end leading to service unavailability.


Coming soon!

API versioning

ModernLTV’s APIs evolve and change over time. Our versioning and deprecation policy details how we choose to version our APIs and offer developer support as we continually improve and expand our functionality. You’ll learn about how we safely introduce changes to our APIs and discover our API lifecycle so that you can most effectively manage your ModernLTV API usage. For more information, refer to our Terms of Use.

Postman Collections

Import the spec into your favorite API tool, such as Postman, to start interacting with our new APIs right away! You can also navigate to our Postman Workspace, where you will find our latest collection of requests, along with the API definitions.